Neighborhood Liaison Helping to Improve Downtown

Rebecca Deeds works as a Neighborhood Program Specialist for the City of Columbus, a position also known as a Neighborhood Liaison. She is one of eight Neighborhood Liaisons in the city and serves as a direct link to city services for Downtown, one of the six neighborhoods she supports.

Recently we asked Rebecca to tell us more about her unusual job, what exactly she does, and why she likes it.

“We work with residents, city officials, and civic organizations to empower residents to improve their neighborhoods,” Deeds explained. “As the Neighborhood Liaison for Downtown, I am lucky to partner with the Capital Crossroads and Discovery Special Improvement Districts to resolve issues that involve city departments.”

Understanding that navigating city government and services can be a challenge, the city created this position to help citizens find the right person or service to solve their issues.

“The city employs nearly 9,000 individuals, and we don’t expect residents to know who to reach out to with a question or concern,” added Deeds. “Calling 311 is a great first step, but we Neighborhood Liaisons can get involved to help coordinate the efforts of different departments to solve a problem.”

Deeds has been in the role for a little over two years, drawn to the position after admiring the work Neighborhood Liaisons were doing in Columbus neighborhoods. She thought the job would be interesting, and she has not been disappointed.

“Every day is different,” she explained. “I enjoy helping to solve problems. Sometimes, a resident has been frustrated by an issue for a long time before they are connected with me. It is so satisfying to be able to help them get answers to their questions or resolution to their problems. And as a Downtown resident, I often enjoy the improvements myself!”

Read more about the Neighborhood Liaison Program and meet the other Neighborhood Program Specialists!