Ready for a Snowy Battle

Snow AmbassadorsWith the recent cold snap, it feels like snow is a ready possibility, and Capital Crossroads and Discovery SID Clean & Safe Teams are ready to do battle when the white stuff eventuality hits. This year, ambassadors will have a new tool in their arsenal: the Polaris Brutus HDpto and a new snow brush attachment. This 72-inch wide machine will allow for rapid and efficient snow removal from all crosswalks, corners and bus stops.

Just as the Buckeyes clear the field of their opponents, "The Brutus" is a game-changer, ready to clear the snow. In addition to the heavy equipment, ambassadors will be deployed to lay salt at key locations throughout downtown, while others will use snow blowers, a snow brush and shovels. The heaviest traveled paths will be the first priority, with the teams starting along High Street and then moving to Front, Third and Fourth. The snow warriors will also clear drains, fire hydrants, trash cans and news racks.

Under the Columbus City Code, property owners are responsible for clearing snow and ice from sidewalks that adjoin their properties. Pedestrians frequently complain to the City if sidewalks are not cleared, and property owners run a risk of being cited by the Code Enforcement Division for failing to keep sidewalks clear and safe.