Join the Capital Crossroads and Discovery Special Improvement Districts for its 2023 Annual Meeting & Downtown Awards, Beyond the Workplace: Downtown's Diverse Destinations.
Date/Time: Thursday, November 9, at 4 p.m.
Location: Mitchell Hall, 3rd floor, 250 Cleveland Avenue, at Columbus State Community College
Keynote speaker: Tracy Hadden Loh, a Fellow with the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking at Brookings Metro
Tracey will discuss the future of downtown areas as inclusive places that advance prosperity across all neighborhoods. Dr. Loh’s research focuses on commercial real estate and how place-level assets interact and affect the prospects and resilience of the people and enterprises that call a place home in urban, suburban and rural settings.
Following election results for each SID board, we'll celebrate the achievements that happened in 2023 with our Downtown Awards presentation.
Participants have the choice of attending in person or watching a live stream on their computer or phone. Choose the appropriate ticket for the event so we can plan our catering and seating accordingly. Register for the meeting here no later than November 1st.