Ambassadors in Action: Spring Cleaning

Spring has sprung. And, while Capital Crossroads and Discovery SID Ambassadors work year-round to keep the downtown environment in tip-top shape, they are using the sunny skies and warmer temperature to do some serious sprucing up.

The Ambassador teams are hard at work scrubbing away the winter grime and preparing Downtown for the influx of people who will be returning after a year of COVID shutdowns. The Ambassador teams are hard at work scrubbing away the winter grime through completion of these tasks:

  • Sweeping of salt and gravel from gutters and curb lines
  • Pressure washing of alleyways, trash cans and sidewalks
  • Cleaning of wayfinding signs and newspaper racks
  • Painting bike racks
  • Weed control
  • Tree trimming
  • Preparing the planters in Capitol Square and the medians on Gay Street and Nationwide Boulevard for spring planting

If you see something that needs cleaning or attention, call or text the SID Hotline at (614) 228-5718.