Clean Team Spotlight

Capital Crossroads SID Clean Team works hard to keep downtown clean. A glance at pictures of Downtown before the SID was established 15 years ago shows the difference. Seven days a week, Cleaning Ambassadors are hard at work pressure washing sidewalks, picking up litter, removing graffiti and watering flowers during the growing season.

Many of their other tasks are less visible: cleaning news racks, maps and wayfinding signs; cleaning COTA bus shelters; removing handbills, and restocking bags at dog waste stations. In 2016, our Winter Warriors provided more than 260 hours of snow removal and collected nearly five tons of leaves from sidewalks. The leaves will be turned into compost at the City of Columbus yard waste recycling facility. They removed more than 715 graffiti tags from public fixtures and private property. These efforts are key to a clean, safe environment Downtown.