Capital Crossroads and Discovery Special Improvement District property owners invest in Downtown to make it a clean, safe and fun place to live, work and play. We’re here to help. Read more about our work.
Thanks in part to generous donors, and support from a community steering committee, Capital Crossroads Special Improvement District is pleased to announce the winners of the Restroom Public Art Project…
The Capital Crossroads SID and the Discovery SID have released their 2023 Annual Reports.
Here are the combined statistics for the two SIDs' reports:
Safety ambassadors provided: 19,842 miles of bike patrols 32,513 safety hours 672 public assistance eventsIn addition, the ambassadors helped resolve 1,242 quality of life issues (includes trespassing, suspicious activity or packages, aggressive panhandling, fights, and open containers).
Special Duty Officers provided 7,169 hours of service Outreach specialists successfully housed 312 individuals experiencing homelessness. Includes linking to emergency shelter, connecting to permanent housing, and connecting to housing with family or friends.Click here to read the 2023 Capital Crossroads SID Annual Report
Click here to read the 2023 Discovery SID Annual Report