Capital Crossroads and Discovery Special Improvement District property owners invest in Downtown to make it a clean, safe and fun place to live, work and play. We’re here to help. Read more about our work.
Happy Holidays from Markets at Pearl! Join us on Wednesday, December 13, from 11 AM-3 PM at the Huntington Center (41 S…
No matter who is on your list, find something for everyone in Downtown Columbus this holiday season…
Each year the SID’s Outreach Team help hundreds of people downtown access services and move off the streets.
The Outreach Team meets with clients in the office and out on the street to:
Find temporary or permanent supportive housing. Connect clients with physical or mental challenges with services. Link veterans to eligible services. Obtain copies of birth certificates and identification cards. Help clients with criminal records find work. Assist with transportation, utilities, access to the Furniture Bank of Central Ohio, and small household items.Click here to learn more about the services our outreach team provides.
Your gift matters…